Don’t get stuck going 10 mph in a 90-mph zone! Bankers Life’s new Accelerated Underwriting Easy Issue Universal Life Program offers applicant approval in just 24–72 hours, perfect for today’s fast-paced world.
What is Universal Life Insurance accelerated underwriting?
Life insurance underwriting is the process where your insurer assesses your eligibility to receive their products. Typical underwriting can take up to four weeks’ time—which can feel like an eternity when you’re waiting to see if your coverage is approved! With our Accelerated Underwriting Easy Issue Universal Life Program, you will hear back from us regarding your approval in a speedy 24–72 hours.
To qualify for accelerated underwriting, you must:
- Be age 65 or younger.
- Be applying for a face amount of under $100,000.
- Be able to answer “No” to all application underwriting questions.
- Have an acceptable Medical Information Bureau review.
- Have an acceptable prescription drug check.
- Meet all other accelerated underwriting program criteria.
Why buy universal life insurance?
Our universal life insurance products provide security through death benefit protection, flexibility and stability—all with accumulation growth potential. Other features and benefits include:
- Guaranteed minimum interest rate.
- 15-year no-lapse guarantee if minimum premium payment made.
- Interest rate enhancement in policy years 16+.
- Long-term cash value build-up.
- Flexible premium payments.
- Choice of level or increasing death benefit.
- Death benefits that are generally tax-free to named beneficiaries.
- Permanent insurance designed for long-term protection.
- Avoids the delay and expense of probate, in most cases.
Get more details about universal life insurance on our website or click here to read our recent blog post, What is Universal Life Insurance?
Learn more today
Did you know September is Life Insurance Awareness Month—a perfect time to secure your Bankers Life universal life insurance with accelerated underwriting! Contact your Bankers Life agent or contact us here to learn more.